Minutes & Agendas

Minutes & Agendas


The central function of the Council is to make local decisions relevant to the public interest of the parish, and this is performed at the meetings of the Council. A Parish Council must hold an annual meeting and at least three other meetings in a year; West Kingsdown Parish Council holds a full parish council meeting every 4th Wednesday of the month. (Except August & December)  In addition, West Kingsdown Parish Council holds a general purpose meeting every 2nd Monday of the month.

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council.

Exceptions are when sensitive issues are discussed (such as legal, contractual or staffing matters) and then the council can agree to exclude the press and public for just that item of business. There is an opportunity before the council meeting opens for residents to ask questions on any items on the agenda or raise matters of interest or concern that they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council.

Full Parish Council meetings take place at the St Edmund Centre TN15 6JN at 7.30pm and the General Purpose meeting are held at The Pavilion TN15 6BZ at 7.00pm. The dates for the current Council year are entered into the Events calendar. Any changes to these dates will be noted there.

Agendas and Minutes

Agendas and Minutes are posted onto this website.

Should you require an earlier document than those listed, please contact the Clerk.